Monday, April 23, 2007

Some Alcoholic Artist säger:



Some Alcoholic Artist <--- jag
aLICe <--- alice utterunge


aLiCe säger:
with to much make-up round her eyes
Some Alcoholic Artist säger:
Jupp, and you never knew her real name
aLiCe säger:
she was a sunbean wrapped in lies
Some Alcoholic Artist säger:
but I loved her and I´m sorry
aLiCe säger:
and thats all there is to say
Some Alcoholic Artist säger:
its like a fairy from the ancient time
Some Alcoholic Artist säger:
( ? )
aLiCe säger:
and I hope it stays that way!

Bloggtorkan tar på mina krafter och jag tvingas att dra mig tillbaka pga småsyskon och läkerol-mutning... (jag ska få TRE läkerol om jag lämnar datan nu :) )
